
Engineering - Steel products


Secure clamping at required deflection angle on cable-stayed and suspension bridges

Saddles are used at the top of the main tower on a cable-stayed or suspension bridge, at the point where the main tower and cable come into contact, to clamp the cable securely at the required deflection angle and maintain the overall structural integrity of the bridge.

Strength and security

Both the materials and the structure are designed for maximum weather protection and tension resistance to ensure that the saddle has the strength to clamp the cables securely at the required deflection angle.

Flat shape prevents cable breakages

The section that comes into contact with the ropes and cables has a smooth finish designed to prevent damage or breakage of wire strands that could compromise the structural integrity of the bridge.

Castings Division

Construction Materials Division

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Engineering DivisionCall or fax weekdays from 8:30 am to 5:15 pm